We see our wedding as a simple and shared moment and we thought that we could achieve this by proposing each of you bringing his or her favourite dish. This is also a way to share our cultures and to make sure this moment is ours as well as yours.
Of course, there is no obligation. If everybody brought a dish for 6 or 8 persons, there would be too much food. So it's up to you! You can bring a starter, a main dish, cheese, a dessert or soft drinks. There will be no possibility to reheat the food, so better bring cold stuff. We will need to coordinate things so that there is not only starters in the end. Please tell us in advance what you can bring (for example, by writing a message on this blog...).
The menu (in constant evolution…)
- Salted kougloffs and salted cakes from Alsace by Bertille (Elise’s sister) and Jérôme
- Zucchini, goat cheese and basil pâté by Michelle and Eric (David’s aunt and uncle) and melons
- Gougeres by Annemieke (Elise’s mother) and Alain
- The best tortilla in the world by Eva (Spain) and Edouard (France)
- 50 samosas by Elodie
- Eggplants caviar and olives tapenade by Ju and Dam
- Käsespiesse (a German recipe) : cheese, fruit and vegetable brochettes by Steffi
- Tabbouleh by Clémence and Louis (salad with semolina, mint, cucumber, tomatoes, ...)
- Small sandwiches and vine's leaves by Patricia and Eric (David's godfather
- Eggplants and paprikas caponata, a Sicilian speciality, by Dario
- Green salad by Christian, Elise's father
Fish / meat :
- Salmon and cheese from Langres pâté by Christian
- Devilfish custard by France and Pascal (David’s parents)
- Foie gras by Juliette, David's cousin, her husband Jean-Pierre and their son, Aïdan
- Jamon Serrano from Barcelona by Matthieu (David’s brother)
- 3 "quiches lorraine" by Elodie (once again)
- Meat brochettes by Cécile and Olivier
Cheese :
- Cheese from Holland, by Marieke (Elise’s cousin) and Chris
- Cheese from the Brie region by Manou (David’s grandmother) and Alain
- Cheese from Jura by Juliette and her men : JP and Aïdan
- English cheddar, marmelade & oat cakes by Marine
- Goat cheese by Nadia
- Grape to go with the cheese by Oli and Alex
Desserts :
- Lemon pie and Parisian pastries by Laure (David’s sister) and Andy
- Fruit from Barcelona by Martine (Elise’s sister)
- Orange salad with cinnamon and sesam seeds by Paul
- Chocolate cake by Elodie
- Another lemon pie by France and Pascal, David's parents
- Sweet food by Eunice and Laurent
- A cake or a tart by Aurore
- Fruit tarts by Patrcia and Eric (David's godfather)
- Fruit by Molica and William
- Fruit by Mag and Ced
- A chocolate cake by Chloé and Olivier
- A cake by Wesley
- A tart by Imri
- A cake and/or a tart by Jeanne and Boris
- A cake or a tart by Anne and Nico
- An apple pie by Jérèm
- San Pellegrino and still water by Michaela, Julien (one of Elise’s best men), Sanna and Panu
- White and red wine by Elise and David,
- One or two bottles of wine by Bertille and Jérôme to go with the kougloffs and cakes they will bring
- Champagne by Christian, Elise’s father
- Sparkling wine from Coiffy and home made blackcurrant syrup by Annemieke (Elise’s mother) and Alain
- Raspberries and cranberries juice by Elodie (always the same)
- San Pellegrino by Christiane (David's grand mother)
- Organic and home-made apple juice by Christian
- Home made German and Italian bread by Clemens (the other best man of Elise) and Luisanna from Marseille
2 commentaires:
Hey, Elise and David.
Probably, we bring some good old German and Italian bread. We get more and more good experiences in baking bread.
We will inform you later ...
"good old" means in fact "good old fashioned like" :-) .-)
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